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K T & T




KT&T is a southern gospel trio with strong influence from some of the gospel music greats of the past. Our goal is to lift up the name of Jesus so He can draw all men unto himself. (John 12:32)

 He is Worthy of All Praise & Glory!!!





For Booking information:

Phone-(270) 804-1375

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News Flash******The tracking session for our new CD was a great success. We are recording vocals August 13 and 14th at Hilltop Studios-Nashville TN. We hope to release the New CD Late September or Early October. If you would like to pre-order your copy. Contact us at (270) 804-1375 or



KT&T are no strangers to southern gospel music. They have a combined experience of over 120 years of service in Christian Music Ministry.

The group consists of Tim and Tonya Puckett and Steve Holland. KT&T sings a mix of original compositions, favorite southern gospel songs, old and new . We look forward to seeing you down the road as we sing the "Gospel of Jesus Christ". We are excited to announce our newest recording project, "When He Steps Out", released by Butler Music Group of Nashville, TN. Also, call and request our new single, "Tell it To Move" on your local christian radio station. All of us know this is a move of God and are expecting great things.


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Candy Cotton

Group Bio



Tim Puckett



Tim Puckett, hailing from Mayfield, KY is a singer and songwriter. He was a tenor in his younger days and now is a smooth, warm baritone influenced by southern gospel greats like The Stamps Quartet and The Happy Goodman Family, as well as songs of the Church. Tim's love of music began in his childhood singing with his parents and siblings around the family piano and in the church choir. That little Baptist church is where he first heard J. D. Sumner and The Stamps Quartet. He has often shared, "it was that experience, still vivid today, that planted the seed....I'm going to do that one day." That seed took root and Tim followed that path where he received classical music and vocal training at Murray State University. The next 38 years found him singing the music he loved with local gospel groups, The Golden Aires. The Liberty Boys, and 2nd Timothy, with a 13 year stretch of serving on the praise and worship team at The First Assembly of God in Mayfield, KY. Now God has called Tim back to his roots when he and Tonya formed K T & T. Until the Lord comes, Tim's desire is to see peoples lives changed through the messages in the songs they sing. 



Tonya Puckett


Tonya Puckett began singing at age 3. Country music was her passion and by age 5, she was performing live and also for talent competitions. At age 17, she accepted Jesus as her Savior and was called into Christian music. Tonya took all that passion for country music and now uses that talent to lift up the name of Jesus. Tonya has shared her talent with many gospel groups throughout her life and now wants to share not only her talent but her heart. She knows that "all things work together for the good for those who are called according to His purpose." You will experience that first hand when you attend a service where she is ministering as she shares where God has brought her from and where He is now leading her. Tonya and Tim have been married for 25 years and are members of The First Assembly of God in Mayfield, KY. They served together for 13 years on the worship team and for close to a year as Tim was the Interim Worship Leader. Tonya is now following God's call on her life as she and Tim formed K T & T using the gifts and talents that God gave her all those years ago. When you hear her sing, you will know why KT&T is blessed to have her. Tonya is thankful for God's call on her life and her prayer is that He will use her to show the love of Christ to everyone who crosses her path.



Steve Holland



 Steve Holland has sang and traveled with many gospel quartets for over 45 years. He brings many special gifts and talents to the ministry of K T & T. Steve plays piano, sings and arranges many of the songs we sing. Steve is also a gifted writer, penning some of the most heart-warming lyrics and music that we are sure will touch your heart. For many years Steve used his God given talent with groups like the Disciples, True Foundation and many others. Now Steve brings his wonderful talents to K T & T to share with you. K T & T is so blessed to have Steve and his wife Lisa and we are so glad they chose to come with us on this journey as we seek to fulfill the calling God has put on all our lives. Lisa is the Director for the HOPE Clinic and she travels with us when she can. She is a blessing to us as she helps us with the merchandise table and equipment and she also helps us by providing video and photography for media. Steve and Lisa's desire, like Tim and Tonya is that God would be glorified and that people would come to know that Jesus loves them and gave His life for them so they can be saved. We know that you will be blessed when you hear Steve as he shares his talents with  you. He has a unique way of using humor as he shares the gospel in song. He will have you laughing one moment and crying the next as he shares his heart.



Kathy Copeland




Kathy Copeland started traveling and singing at the age of 13 and shared her wonderful talent with several different groups. She was a "PK (preachers kid)" and went to church more often than she went to school almost every week. Kathy had many accomplishments in her life which included Bachelors Degree of Music Education and Master's Degree of Arts in Education from Murray State University in Murray, KY. She taught public school music classes, choir, band, and computer classes for over 35 years in Kentucky and Illinois schools. Kathy was a soloist, pianist, instrumentalist, published song writer, recording artist and church musician as Sharon Baptist Church in Mayfield, KY where she also served on staff as the Music Director. Kathy was a founding member of the ministry of K T & T until God called her home on September 23, 2023 at the age of 65. You can hear her beautiful voice on our two recordings "Southern Revival" and "When He Steps Out".  We know that she would have us continue the ministry that God called us to. We honor her wishes every time we stand and sing.




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KT&T latest CD -

"When He Steps Out"

costs $15 each. Included on this project is brand new music from K T & T, The latest radio single "Tell it to Move", "Mended by The Potter", "Never Changing Mighty God" and the title cut "When He Steps Out"

Tax is included in the cost.

 Also available on these Digital Platforms:, Spotify, Apple Music,

I Tunes, Amazon Music, Pandora and Deezer.

When He Steps Out Clip
Never Changing Mighty God Clip
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Old Fashioned Way ClipKT&T
What a Reunion ClipKT&T

"Southern Revival" costs $10 each. Tax is included in the price.

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